Get Out of the House

Get Out of the House - Life Skills Bundle

Unlock the adventurer in you with our outdoor skill bundle! From survival basics to campfires, this bundle equips you for nature's wonders. Whether a seasoned explorer or a nature novice, gain confidence in outdoor pursuits. Your passport to outdoor joy awaits!

Life skill - Identifying stars Identifying stars

Learn about star charts and identifying the stars.

Ages: 12

Life skill - Growing tomatoes Growing tomatoes

Directions for a tomato growing project.

Ages: 11

Life skill - Playing volleyball Playing volleyball

A brief introduction to the game of volleyball to give the Trekker an understanding of this popular game.

Ages: 10 to 13

Life skill - Hiking safety Hiking safety

A brief look at hiking safely and essential items to carry on a short hike, culminating with a hiking trip to complete the experience.

Ages: 8 to 12

Life skill - Identifying common birds Identifying common birds

• Identify at least ten different types of birds that frequent your yard or area and be able to name them on sight. • If it is cold weather, try putting up a bird feeder to attract them.

Ages: 11 to 13

Life skill - Build a survival shelter Build a survival shelter

Learn to build an insulated dry shelter from materials foraged from the woods in a role playing survival scenario.

Ages: 13 to 15

Life skill - Build a bonfire Build a bonfire

Learn to to safely build a bonfire.

Ages: 12 to 14

Life skill - Going Fishing Going Fishing

A challenge for the Trekker to organize a fishing trip with a friend or family member to experience the fun of fishing.

Ages: 8 to 10